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The beauty of your smile can be diminished by flaws like chips, stains, and gaps in your teeth. Fortunately, dental treatments like crowns can fix damaged teeth. Crowns for teeth are custom-made caps that cover damaged teeth. Crowns prevent additional damage to your tooth’s structure, restore its natural form and size, and improve its cosmetic appeal.

In what ways are dental crowns advantageous?

Wear and tear on teeth from eating hard foods, playing contact sports, and other activities can cause problems. Alterations to the size and shape of teeth can also result from grinding or bruxism. In addition to the mentioned causes, it is possible that you require a crown because:

  • Cavities that are too big for fillings
  • To secure bridges for missing teeth
  • Cracked, broken, or worn-down teeth
  • To cover dental implants
  • To protect and strengthen a tooth after a root canal treatment
  • Repair deep discoloration

Crowns can help you get the smile you want if you suffer from any of the problems. Crowns not only offer a higher success rate than other restorative treatments like inlays and onlays, but they also restore the functionality of your teeth and make you smile more.

The Different Types of Crowns.

Metals like gold and silver, as well as porcelain in varying shades to match natural teeth, are just some of the materials used to build dental crowns. The following are examples of common crown materials:

PFM (Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal)

Crowns made of porcelain bonded to metal have a metal foundation. Porcelain may be made to look just like real teeth. Crowns made of porcelain fused to metal are an excellent choice for rear teeth that need protection and for long bridges because of the durability of the metal base.

Crowns Made of Ceramic or Porcelain

Crowns made of ceramic or porcelain look and feel much like your natural teeth, therefore they are a fantastic choice for the front teeth where aesthetics are of the utmost importance. They are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also sturdy and long-lasting. They are especially good for those who have metal allergies.

Crowns made of metal

Crowns can be made from a variety of metals, such as copper, gold, or silver. They are very long-lasting because they are resistant to breaking or chipping and they do not harm the health of the teeth around them. Metallic hues, on the other hand, can detract from the aesthetics of your smile and are best reserved for your back molars.

Exactly what are the Distinctions Between a Temporary and a Permanent Crown?

While your permanent crown is being made by your dentist, you may be fitted with a temporary one in the meanwhile. It is custom-made in the dentist’s office from either acrylic or stainless steel. Temporary crowns can be created in the dental office utilizing CEREC technology, but permanent crowns require a trip to the lab. They are made of long-lasting material and are the last resort in restoring teeth.

What’s the process?

Crown placement and preparation often need two visits to the dentist.

First, get ready.

During your first visit, your dentist will prepare your tooth by shaping it. Afterward, the dentist will dry your teeth and take an impression of your bite. Having this treatment done will speed up the time it takes the lab to make your permanent crown. While you wait for your permanent crown, your dentist will fit you with a temporary one.

Second, set it up.

Your permanent crown will be available in a few of weeks. Your temporary crown will be removed by your dentist during your second visit. Here is where any last touches are made to the color and fit of the new crown to ensure a flawless match and placement. With the crown securely in place, your dentist can then restore your smile.

The Proper Maintenance of Your Crown

Getting a dental crown placed doesn’t call for any extra care. Brush and floss regularly and schedule biannual dental appointments to ensure the longevity of your crowns. Keep in mind that crowns wear out like any other dental restoration and may require replacement after some time. Crowns for teeth can last up to 15 years with regular cleanings and checkups. Whether or not your crown is covered by insurance will determine its final price. Most plans only cover a percentage of the total cost, so it’s important to talk to your dentist about all your options.